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Loisir Hotel Asahikawa
Asahikawa City
7 Jyo - 6 Chome
Dist. from JR station: 9 mins. on foot
Outstanding, friendly, service
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Asahikawa Terminal Hotel
Asahikawa City
Miyashita-Dori, 7 Chome
Dist. from JR station: At JR station
Great Location
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Fujita Kanko Washington Hotel
Asahikawa City
Miyashita-Dori, 7 Chome
Dist. from station: 1 min. on foot
On the main shopping street
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Fitness 330 Hotel Asahikawa
Asahikawa City
1 Jyo - 9 Chome
Dist. from station: 4 mins. on foot
Infront of the central bus terminal
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Leopalace Hotel
Asahikawa City
4 Jyo, 9 Chome
Dist. from station: 6 mins. on foot
Self-contained rooms available
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旅館設施 Hotels in Asahikawa
 List of all hotels in and around Asahikawa
自動販賣機 - Vending Machines

您也許聽過兩個形容日本是怎樣的一個地方,一是充滿陽光的地方,一是到處都是自動販賣機的地方,前者可能有點爭議,但是後者卻是清楚的擺在眼前:當您第一次拜訪日本,您將對自動販賣機的現代化科技及製造自動販賣機生產能力,不斷地增加,似乎沒有限制, 而感到驚訝、敬畏,
且 自動販賣機到處都有,只要是一小小的地方足夠容納下它,它就有可能出現在那裡,且所有您可以用自動販賣機來買得到的東西,比您想像的還多,然而對於旅客, 自動販賣機的選擇您所需要的,實在非常簡單,比如夏天您會選擇冷飲,冬天選擇熱飲,而您在一年四季想喝啤酒,也都沒有問題;像在寒冬的夜晚,您匆匆出門忘 了準備手套,這時,您可以在自動販機,買一瓶熱騰騰的咖啡,當您手套的替代品。
Alternative accommodation
Hot Spring (Onsen) Hotels are generally located in or around the scenic locations in the countryside or mountains. More akin to resort hotels, their primary purpose is to allow customers to relax, unwind and enjoy stunning scenery...
more information |
Youth Hostels, though difficult to find in Hokkaido, do offer marginally cheaper accommodation for the budget conscious. One that should not be overlooked by people traveling to Asahidake Onsen is the Daisetsu-zan Shirakabaso more soon |
Camping is the best way experience the nature that Hokkaido is famous for. While there are hundreds of spectacular locations close to Asahikawa, the availability of gear is an obvious drawback. Guided tours are a good option...
more soon
 List of all hotels in and around Asahikawa
See Also; |
- Tenninkyo Onsen
- Shirogane Onsen
- Washington Hotel
- Leopalace Hotel
- Toyoko Inn
Featured Hotel

Featured Hotel

Asahikawa Terminal Hotel
Ideally located adjacent to JR Asahikawa Station in the city, and opposite the main shopping street Kaimono Koen, the Terminal Hotel provides convenient access to all that Asahikawa has to offer.
Featured Hotel

Asahikawa Grand Hotel
The premiere hotel in Asahikawa. Nothing is spared when it comes to quality and service at the Grand Hotel. Quality rooms, a host of exceptional restaurants, and spacious spa/ sento facilities, all conspire to make the Grand Hotel the perfect choice for discerning travelers.